Frequently Asked Questions


Do we supply Costco? Yes, we supply Illinois, and some Wisconsin, Costco Warehouses with seasonal annuals, along with a variety of indoor blooming gardens. We currently do not supply nursery stock, perennials, flowering tropical plants. If it is our product, you will see our logo and name on the label.

  • Spring: Flowering Gardens, Easter Lilies, Hanging Baskets, Combination Planters, etc.

  • Fall: 14” Mums, 8” 4-Pack Mums, Fall Combination Planters, etc.

  • Holiday: 10” Poinsettia, Winter Greens/Spruce Tops Containers, etc.

Can you buy the items we sell to Costco at our Garden Center? Yes, we do sell the same items in our Garden Center. Just keep in mind, availability, colors and plant combinations are change daily both at Costco and in our Garden Center.

Garden CenteR

Do we accept returns? No, we do not guarantee, exchange, or accept returns. We have no control of the weather, the location where the plants are planted or kept, and the care the plants receive once they leave our greenhouses.

Do we take pre-orders for individuals, landscapers, or floral customers? No, we do not take pre-orders or pre-books for any customers. Our inventory changes too rapidly to be able to guarantee availability.

Do we hold purchases? No, we do not have the space to hold purchases. We encourage customers to shop for what they can fit in their car during that visit.

Do we deliver plants? No, we do not provide delivery services.

Do we make custom containers or hanging baskets? No, we do not have the capacity to plant custom containers at this time.

Do we provide landscape design services? No, we do not offer any type of landscpaing or design services.

Do we offer fundraising opportunities? Yes, sell gift cards at 10% off of the value of the card. Read more here on our fundraising page.

Is there a discount for churches or other private organizations? Churches and other private organizations who provide a tax exempt letter will have the sales tax removed from the total. A copy of the letter must be given to the cashier at the time of purchase. There is no additional discounts available at this time.

Can churches pre-order for holidays or special events? No, we encourage churches to buy from our Garden Center so that they can pick the plants that suit their needs. We are happy to help you select products when you come in to shop!

Why aren’t we open year-round? Our Garden Center is open seasonally so that we can provide you high quality plants at the most popular times of year for gardening and home decor. We are open in spring (late March - July 3rd), fall (late August - early October), and early winter (mid November - mid December).

Gardening terms defined

Annual: A plant species that completes its life cycle, from seed to flower to seed, within a single growing season.  Annuals will not come back the next year after you plant them.  Annuals are classified as hardy, half-hardy, or tender: Hardy annuals tolerate the coolest temperatures; half-hardy annuals tolerate long periods of cool, damp conditions ; tender annuals need warm soils and warm air temperatures to germinate and grow. 

Perennial: A plant that lives for more than two years. Perennial plants are divided into two classes: woody and non-woody. Herbaceous perennials produce non-woody above ground growth that usually die back to the ground each winter. The root systems survive winter and produce new herbaceous growth each year. Above ground woody plant material contains lignin that gives it strength, new growth occurs on twigs and branches each year rather than dying back to the ground.

Sunlight Requirements: Sunlight requirements tell you how much light a plant needs to thrive.

  • Full Sun: Plants require at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily. Oftentimes southern or western exposure.

  • Part Sun: Plants that prefer 4-6 hours of direct sunlight daily, usually in the morning or late afternoon. 

  • Part Shade: Plants prefer 2-4 hours of direct sunlight daily, usually in the morning or late afternoon, preferring less intense light.

  • Full Shade: Plants require less than 2 hours of sunlight daily, thriving in dappled light or deep shade. Oftentimes eastern or northern exposure.

Hardiness Zones: Hardiness zones are geographic regions defined by their minimum winter temperatures. The USDA Hardiness Zone Map divides North America into 13 zones. Knowing your zone helps you select perennial plants that can survive your local climate. For example, Zone 5 plants can survive temperatures as low as -10°F to 20°F overwinter. This does not mean the plant will have leaves and look good all winter, but that they will grow back the following spring.

Cool Season:  Cool-season plants thrive in cooler temperatures, typically in early spring or fall. They can tolerate light frosts and prefer temperatures between 50°F and 75°F. Flower examples include violas, pansies, ranunculus, petunias, and nemesia. Vegetable examples include asparagus, beets, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, leek, lettuce, onion, peas, radishes, spinach, and turnips. 

Warm Season: Warm-season plants need warmer temperatures to thrive and cannot tolerate frost. These plants are typically grown in late spring and summer, with ideal temperatures ranging from 70°F to 90°F. Flower examples include impatiens, begonias, coleus, salvia, and lantana. Vegetable examples include beans, corn, cucumbers, melons, peppers, tomatoes, squash, sweet potato, pumpkin, and watermelon.

Deadheading: A practice of removing faded or spent flowers from plants. Removing spent blooms can encourage additional blooming, prevent the plant from spending energy on seed production, and create a more attractive appearance.

Source: “The Outsider” from University of Illinois College of Ag Extension